Chopin nació en Polonia en 1810 y murió en 1849. Es uno de los grandes compositores y pianistas de la historia de la música.
Fryderyk Franciszek Chopin was one of the most important composers and pianists of the music history. Chopin was born on 1 march 1810 in village of Zelazowa Wola near Sochaczew, in the region of Mazovia, which was part of the Duchy of Warsaw.
On 17 October 1849, Chopin died of pulmonary tuberculosis in Paris.
A guidebook to places associated with the composer. (visita los lugares de Polonia relacionados con Chopin)
clic on image and play with Chopin in Warsaw
Juega con Chopin en Varsovia
Chopin in Warszawie

Juega con Chopin en Varsovia
Chopin in Warszawie
Now the younger web users can visit Żelazowa Wola and other Polish towns and cities online. The website www.kula.gov.pl launched by the Polish Ministry of Culture and National Heritage takes kids on a tour around Poland’s key landmarks, also containing a wealth of education materials to be used by parents and teachers. (Página oficial de Polonia para niños, donde puedes visitar ciudades polacas, como Zelazowa Wola, donde nació Chopin.) (sólo en polaco).